Chaos Engine
Comedy • Writing • Culture
This community exists as a place for me to continue unleashing my creative urges, and as a hub for my followers from Ko-fi and Steam to keep in touch.

Additionally, I will be using it to keep those same followers informed of my progress into the world of authorship, of which I fully intend to build a sustainable career in.

Also dank memes.
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Oh, is that what it means to be a reverse engineering specialist?

Hah! Weird. Leigh thought that was just a nonsense schizopost without any actual meaning.

You learn something new every day, eh, Leigh?!

Well, maybe Leigh doesn't, but viewers of the Leigh Truman show probably do.

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Soylent Benjamins

It'd be a real shame if someone were to archive the WEF narcissisticly gloating about owning the science, like how someone or something archived Moderna narcissisticly gloating about getting funding from DARPA to develop mRNA technology only to later destroy the evidence.

The more nanostructured part of the inquiry is where Gaben goes so far as to hint at playing God.

And if you think that's not ominous foreshadowing, take a look at this study in which Japanese and South Korean doctors artificially recreated the covid-19 jabs in the conditions of a human body, during which nanostructures spontaneously formed.

P.s. attached is an archive of the video for when DARPA oops I mean Moderna no wait that's right what I meant to say was YouTube inevitably determines this video is in need of being removed.

[DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics a Grant for up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics™
October 2, 2013 at 9:00 AM EDT
PDF Version
Research to focus on antibody production for immune defense]

[The Nuremberg Code (1947)
BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, Volume 313, Issue 7070: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.

CIRP logo ...

Here's an archive of the below video of Yuval Noah Harari claiming the problem with overpopulation isn't resource scarcity, but boredom.

Just because these videos/press releases of globalists/military research departments contradicting their own fear mongering narratives have the most bizarre habit of being scrubbed from the internet once their existence becomes mainstream knowledge.

I'm sure it's just done in error. It'd sure be nice if these errors were ever announced to the public though. People are dying at record numbers of excess deaths out here. I think it's in our best interest to know why these errors are happening to us useless eaters at such a (4th) industrial (revolution) scale.

"I'm confident that actions will be taken against them in the future as well, if rules are not followed accordingly."

-Dom, (Steam's resident globalist) - who is somehow never banned for obvious bait/prone to huge argument posts, whilst backseat moderating in a topic calling for an end to discriminatory bannings on the steam community.

Now why would a videogame Storefront with a defacto monopoly on PC games ever flagrantly give a globalist free reign to violate any and every rule he so desires while banning people who expose the documented risks of mRNA technology under the extrajudicial guise of "spreading false information" if their CEO is worried about driving consumer acceptance of personality editing brain-computer interface headsets off a cliff when the WEF (whom yuval noah harari is the top advisor of) has gloated about them having genome editing technology due to the data they gathered from mRNA vaccines during the covid-19 pandemic? 🤔

[James Cintolo, RN FN CPT
🚨BREAKING: World Economic Forum announces new mRNA technology they will use to “edit and write your genome” for beneficial purposes while ...

"Still, better than the potential for death if not vaccinated when infected"

-Volunteer Valve employee Spawn of Totoro whilst violating the Nuremberg code.

"Getting a covid vaccine soon, what should I be worried about?"

"The video you provided is of misinformation."

"Please read our community guidelines. In particular the highlighted section: Do not post prone to huge argument topics"

"The existence of posts which violate our rules does not permit objectionable content to remain untouched"

"I'm sorry you disagree but Steam support will not be engaging with you further regarding this topic."

"Sorry. I would've warned you in your thread but I've been banned from Off-Topic for 'spreading false information' by posting analyses of official government statistics."

"B. Try to Resolve Dispute Informally First
You and Valve agree to make reasonable, good faith efforts to informally resolve ...

POV: Naru v Valve (the legal case to define a generation) but Valve's lawyers are on crowd control duty instead of Naru for once

Don't quit your day job, university graduates.

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